Wednesday, 9 December 2009

preparing for battle

plastic armour? leather straps and brass buckles.
just designed armour for joan of arc.
shes a strong woman with both masculine and feminine characteristics.
so. i looked at a Helmut Newton photograph...inspired it really...

see the genders are completely reversed... the woman has obtained a masculine air with the angular lines in her pose and the man has gained femininity from the curves in his silhouette.
From this I wanted to combine both angular straight lines with curved lines to get both vibes.

here is my toile for the armour, photoshoot of the final product in waiting, model was hungover and by the time I got a replacement it was pitch black and the night before the deadline.

Friday, 4 December 2009

A girl with a cut away top...

Saw this girl today who had cut out sections of a basic black top, had a 'braces' vibe, I dunno, I just thought it was cutting away at clothes tastefully and with thought. Im going to have to try it.

I doodled it here...

Oh and if I don't write another blog entry its because I have died from this terrible illness called 'I'm-trying-to-write-a-flipping-personal-statement'

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time, there were three little piggies...
One little piggie had a snout made of paper,
One little piggie had a snout made of fabric stitched and stuffed,
The last little piggie had a snout made of metal wire,
The big bad wolf ripped up the first piggies paper snout easily,
He bit into the fabric snout and demolished it, spitting out the stuffing,
But he broke his teeth on the last piggies metal snout.
First project. LCF foundation. A/W 2009
Really enjoying the course, hard bloody work though.
Fun project. Draw. Phtotocopy. Maquette. Fabric. Other Media. Photocopy. Draw. And Draw some more.