Thursday, 11 March 2010

centrals student producitons

Just seen 'Call of the Wild' at the Central school of speech and drama, they should really be checked out, brillant stuff, great to see the students from acting, lighting, puppetry, sound etc getting together and making final piece stuff. pleassure to watch, they had so much energy. the puppets were made out of card, the lead dog was particularrly impressive, layers of card, creating an illusion of a thick mane.

the students worked with members of the Blind Summit Theatre, (im such a fan) Nick Barnes did the puppets with them, im very jealous.

just want to reccomend going to see their future productions!

sid the jabberwocky puppet

ah, so ive made my first puppet,
alice through the looking glass, jabberwocky by lewis carol
just seen the film and mines very different.
its made from metal rods twisted together, joints added, paper mache, painted and varnished.
its a combonation of a chicken carcus body, loctus legs, fish mouth, extinct cannibul skull and tusks.
and obviously SID is the only name for it.