Thursday 11 October 2012

Bull Frog Armature for Sculpting

1. Cut BOX STEEL lengths to make the core structure.  To make the shape, I cut some pieces at a 45 degree angle.  I tacked them first and then welded them together.  Next I welded the structure to the back iron at the angle my BULLFROG will be 'jumping' at. This will be completely rigid and take the weight of the clay.
2. Onto this I welded 10mm steel legs and 6mm steel curves and a sort of silhouette.  The 6mm is flexible enough to adjust slightly later with a hammer.
3. Stuffed the armature with polystyrene blocks and wrapped it in chicken wire. Stitched this up tightly with wire and stuffed more poly in any holes.
4. For the front legs, tail and head I have added aluminium wire onto the armature attached with jubilee clips.  These areas will be very flexible so I can develop them later, they don't need to be rigid because they won't have much weight to take in clay.
5. Now Im beginning to cover it in clay which is a steady process as it is so big. Someone thought it was a lion today so NOT going GREAT yet apparently.

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